Posted by: Admin | 02/02/2009

The Power of Mind

Biologically and spiritually, mind plays important roles in our life. As a pure science students, we might have known about this facts. Besides, a non-sciences based students and persons may also have known about this. The issue is how to make it real as what we believed it is.

We believed it is powerful in controlling our deeds, our mentality and our perspective, but yet we never utilize that power to control ourselves. In other words, we neglect the miracles of mind in maintaining our life. This is totally against our belief about the power of mind.

Thus, as an intellect students and generally human, know that you have a powerful mind the moment you are reading this article up to this point. It is just that we are not focusing on expanding the power towards the optimum limit. If we are able to do so, InsyaAllah we might find success, a very satisfying success.

That mind given by Allah to us to be utilized and to be stimulated by our ownselves. Thus, there is no point of pointing to others to generate our own mind, do it by yourself and you might stimulate others as well.



  1. from my experience, it is not easy to use mindpower to control ourself. at least, we need something other than brain to encourage ourself. maybe frenz, family, or even love in order to motivate ourself and also others.

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